
‍Speaks to our commitment to providing positive, safe, and inclusive environments that promote and support all learners.

Warm & Inviting

Spaces within the school are visually comfortable, welcoming and enjoyable places to be.

Calming Atmosphere

Sensory rooms are specifically designed to assist a student in self-regulation.

Sensory Room
Places to Connect with Others

Socialization and connectedness to others are important components of emotional health and well-being.  Spaces within and outside the school should encourage conversation and interaction.

Outdoor Socialization Spaces
Physical Health

Physical activity increases emotional and mental health.  Appropriate facilities are provided that support physical education curriculum and encourage active lifestyles for long term health.

Gym & Activity Space
Safe & Secure

Restrooms are easily supervisable and visible to all to reduce bullying and bad behavior.

All-user Restrooms
Personalize Space and Display

Student work is visible throughout the school, demonstrating knowledge and encouraging pride in one's learning.

Student Work Display Areas
Views of Nature

Natural daylighting of space within the school, as well as view of nature, have a strong positive impact and relaxing affect.

Window to Nature
Educator Support Environments

Supporting student learning means supporting our staff as well.  Opportunities to connect with peers, reflect or self-regulate and calm are provided.

Teacher Break Area
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Pasadena Unified School District - Facilities Master Plan

Questions? Contact fmp@pusd.us